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FIEL International

Construction Begins on CVC HQ

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

Hola from Arturo!

Hello and abrazos to you all!

It has been an eventful start to 2021 at FIEL International, and we imagine it has been for you, too! While we sense COVID-19 fading from the foreground in the United States, our dear friends in Cuba face another COVID-19 spike, leaving them in lockdown yet again without a clear end in sight.

Cuban officials added to the uncertainty and strain of this past year by announcing the unification of the two Cuban currencies, the CUC (used predominantly by foreigners) and the Cuban Peso (used predominantly by local Cubans), and putting this change into effect at the beginning of 2021. Arturo thinks (and we agree) that this change is a positive one for the country, but that maybe in the short-term implementing such a substantial change in the middle of a global pandemic isn’t the best way to stabilize and unify a country?

As a result of the currency changes and COVID-19 travel restrictions, we spent the first part of 2021 researching the best way to send Arturo funds so that he could continue construction on CVC HQ. Thankfully, with Arturo’s help, we were able to find a new, reliable way to send him funding.

Arturo tells us acquiring the necessary materials for this new meeting space is going smoothly so far. The stay-at-home orders give him more time to focus on managing the building project, so we are now in full construction mode! Please join us in prayer for the building’s solid and timely construction in the months ahead, and for our dear friends in Alamar as they endure through this season of unique challenges and victories. We have been inspired by the way they walk by faith in Christ in the midst of everything. We look forward to sharing photos with you as the project progresses!

As construction continues for the new CVC HQ building, Arturo and his family are also building out the functionality of the new farm that FIEL’s partners helped Arturo purchase in the middle of 2020. The extra space at “La Finca” has been such a blessing for Arturo and his family to be able to spread out in fresh air, to invite friends to join them safely outdoors, to keep busy in the lockdowns, and to grow crops and livestock in a time of food shortages for the family and community.

God was truly at work in this farm purchase, as Chas and Adam had no idea going into 2020 that a farm would be a part of CVC’s discipleship plan! But that’s exactly what it has been—in addition to providing much needed economic and food stability, La Finca has acted as a small group meeting spot for discipleship to still be an active part of Pastor Arturo’s ministry even during the pandemic. Praise God!

Small group discipleship on the farm

Thank you for your prayers and support of FIEL International as we partner with Arturo to see disciple-centered ministries flourish in Alamar, Cuba. We are so grateful for you, and we look forward to updating you with even more progress of the CVC HQ!

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