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FIEL International

FIEL's response to Cuban protests

FIEL International is a non-profit organization that seeks to empower Christian leaders with the resources they need to build sustainable, discipleship-centered ministries in Cuba.

Blessings to the FIEL International community this summer!

Have you ever thought about the US government cutting off internet access to its citizens? Can you even imagine that happening? I can’t. This week, in response to one of the largest demonstrations Cuba has seen since 1959, communist government officials shut off the internet. Just like 3G, no LTE, no posts, tweets, or texts. Silenced.

Understanding what’s going on in Cuba this week affects how FIEL and CVC grow God’s kingdom through discipleship on the island; for this reason we want to update our FIEL community on current events in Cuba and ask you to pray. Cuba is currently experiencing tremendous economic and political stress. Thousands of protesters gathered in the streets of Havana this week yelling “our children are dying of hunger” (NYT), while others decried Cuba’s rejection of foreign humanitarian aid (WSJ). Death rates from COVID-19 are on the rise, and lines for rationed food queue for blocks. Consequently, the Cuban people blame their government for refusing to provide humanitarian aid from abroad and censuring how badly Cuba is in trouble (cutting the internet is just one example). This might explain why “feed our people!” protests turned into “free our people!” protests this week (freedom from communist regime) (FOX). On top of the pandemic, Cuba’s new Communist Party leader (Raul Castro’s successor) is extremely controversial in the country, and the consolidation of the Cuban peso/CUC that we wrote about in our last update further stresses the economy and therefore the political arena. It’s a lot to process! Imagine if you were Cuban!

Pastor Arturo and his ministry continue to serve their community in selfless sacrifice, and report the most difficult hardship personally to be the manipulation of information and news that leads to corporate confusion (and thus misinformed decision-making). Even local officials are confused: unpredictably and inconsistently, government-employed police officers will fine visitors at the local beach for “congregating unlawfully,” despite proper social distancing and the outdoor nature of the activity. Arturo, his family, and those he disciples (tired but relentless) work on “La Finca” (the farm) most mornings and spend the afternoons sharing with their community the resources from the farm as well as encouragement from Scripture. Arturo’s faith is astounding amidst the turmoil around him.

So to the members of the FIEL community, we write today to ask you to join us in prayer for Cuba. “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 Here is a list of specific prayer requests, and please add any we might have missed to your prayers as well.

  1. Pray for healing for those currently experiencing COVID-19 in Cuba and in Arturo’s CVC ministry, and for COVID-19 cases in Cuba to decrease

  2. Pray for comfort for the families in Cuba/CVC ministry who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19

  3. Pray for sustained hope, strength, and safety for Arturo and his family

  4. Pray for families of Arturo’s CVC discipleship ministry as they continue to struggle without vibrant community

  5. Pray for levels of misinformation in Cuba to decrease

  6. Pray for US and Cuban leaders in charge of international relations to carry out God’s will in the creation and communication of policy

  7. Pray that the Cuban church (+ American and global churches as Christ's body) will know how to respond to what is happening in Cuba, and will have the courage to do so

  8. Pray God provides for the basic living needs of the Cuban citizens to be met

  9. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work through this crisis in unexpected ways to multiply the Kingdom

“Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:3-4

Thank you for your prayers always and especially right now as we turn our eyes desperately toward our God amidst a Cuba in crisis. Please reach out if you are curious about learning more. We are grateful for this community of support for our Cuban brothers and sisters.

In Christ,

Chas & Adam

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