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FIEL International

FIEL's First Vision Trip Affirms Mission & Next Steps

Updated: Oct 3, 2020

"Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." - Proverbs 19:21

Adam and Chas wanted to invite a group to see what God is doing in Alamar, and to envision together what His purpose might be for the future of the CVC/FIEL International partnership. God brought together a special and unique group of people, 11 men and women, ranging from 14 years old to 83 years old, from law students, to pastors, to businessmen and women.

Adam and Chas officially founded FIEL International in 2019, in many ways as a next step of faith in their partnership with CVC. There are a number of exciting plans that Adam, Chas, and Arturo have for their partnership. For example, they have been talking for a few years about whether to build a headquarters building for CVC to call home. The September 2019 Vision Group Team, "el equipo," provided valuable insight to Arturo, Adam, and Chas, on this idea and others.

They ate Cuban food and drank Cuban coffee with Arturo's family and friends. They joined Renacer Church on Sunday morning, where Chas preached on discipleship and shared how he has seen Arturo use soccer to so beautifully over the last several years to build relationships with the youth of his community, and to lead many of them to a relationship with Jesus. The September Vision Trip team played soccer with the CVC youth. They visited the location where Arturo hopes to build a headquarters for his ministry, and listened to him cast a vision of what he hopes to do with the space. For now, it is a plot of dirt next door to his house. But we prayed that, if it is the Lord's will, it might become a beautiful building for CVC to call home.

The Lord has a special plan for this CVC / FIEL International partnership. We need to have patience as He accomplishes His vision for this community, on Cuban time. We need to have boldness to take next steps, as the Lord leads. We are grateful for this time together and look forward to seeing the purpose of the Lord as it continues to unfold in the CVC / FIEL International partnership in 2020 and beyond.

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